Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Had another cooking lesson, this time with the 5th graders. We made pancakes! The kids all worked together to mix the ingredients and then we practiced proper pancake flipping technique. I was using extra batter to make pancakes for the teachers and all my kids were all quite impressed with my pancake flipping skills. Once it looked like I was going to flip one, all the kids would stop what they were doing and stare and me. Then once I flipped the pancake, they would break out into applause. Made me feel like the star of my own cooking show!

Once the pancakes were finished, in true American fashion, all the kids got some butter and syrup. Some of them got pretty creative with it. There were quite a few faces, some hearts, and even a bird!
Once the pancakes were finished, in true American fashion, all the kids got some butter and syrup. Some of them got pretty creative with it. There were quite a few faces, some hearts, and even a bird!
I really love doing cooking lessons, however, this will probably be the last one. All the cooking lessons were taken out of next years schedule due to cost.