Friday, November 30, 2007
New Camera
So, most of my picture taking has been with my cellphone camera as my old digital camera died after the Lake Party. So, one weekend I went off to Tokyo and picked myself up a new camera at the Yodobashi Camera store in Akihabara. Got a really good deal too! The last time I went to the Yodobashi I got a DS and picked up a point card. The day I got my camera was a triple point card day so I managed to pick up my camera, a 1GB memory card, and a really cute camera carrying case all for about $250. Plus, I still have about $30 left on the card to spend on whatever. I also picked up a Final Fantasy game for my DS while I was there as well.
These are the first few pictures I took with my new camera. It is a Casio Exilim Hi-Zoom and I love it. No turn on button. I can just slide the front thing and snap a picture right away! The zoom is excellent and it can take video footage for up to 90 min. The pics are of the annex house of Janet's home stay family. They were kind enough to let us stay the night one night and even invited us over to their actual house for some 'make your own' sushi.